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Mental Health

Updated: Apr 28, 2021

HI FRIENDSSSSS! I'm sorry for being away for so long. Whoever is reading (probably no one anymore), i know, it's been 3 months. I KNOW! Here to touch base and say i'm still continuing this. I just need some more time to sort myself out. For those of you who counted on me to keep it up, i didn't expect myself to hit a wall out of the blue. Hahaha. Touchy topic. But the subject explains why i've been missing just after i started my website, livestream and facebook page.

The truth is, I haven't been well!

It's ironic because I felt really bad and difficult to dump everything i had aside and to do what i felt like doing. Even though i still did.

In this post i indicated a brief of what was going on in my life.

Well, the good news is everything is getting better now!

Andddd, i'll be back!

UPDATE: I went back to my previous company as a different role; as an Outreach Manager. I realized if i really wanted to tap on media to spread the love of horticulture, i really need to learn my shit well. I not only need to learn social media tactics, I also need to learn how to communicate properly. Even in this blog i believe many things are inappropriate. But you know, i try. So I'm really thankful for Prince's for giving me this opportunity and adopting me back even after i left. This journey may take 2-3 years. Or even 5 years at the (slow) rate my brain is running, but let's keep it going!

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